(RED) was founded in 2006 by Bono and Bobby Shriver to get businesses and people involved in the fight against AIDS.
In more than 30 years, AIDS – which is preventable and treatable – has killed 39 million people. Today, of the 35 million people in the world living with HIV, nearly 13 million have access to life-saving treatment that costs as little as 40 cents a day. While this is incredible progress, we’ve still got a lot of work to do to ensure that all those who need medication have access to it.
(RED) was created to help provide a sustainable flow of money from the private sector to fight AIDS. We’ve raised over $250 million to date through the sale of (RED) products from iconic companies – like Apple and Starbucks – and from (RED) events. And 100% of that money goes to work on the ground.
Because of the progress made in the fight against AIDS, the world is now on the cusp of an incredible possibility – we can deliver the first AIDS FREE GENERATION in over 30 years. Every day over 650 babies are born with HIV. Yet with access to antiretroviral treatment, we can prevent the transmission of the virus from moms to babies. Without it, 50% of babies will die before their second birthday.
Only urgency and action will help us achieve the goal. If we act now, an AIDS FREE GENERATION can become a reality. The question is not ‘Can we do it?… It’s ‘Will we do it?’